Edward Munch created this work exactly 100 years before I was born (1885). He made it shortly after turning in his dissertation. It must've been a premonition...
school is killing me, I'm pretty certain of it. I will exhibit this fact in three key points.
1. It is currently 2:47 am. I took a "nap" from the hours of 8:30 pm and 1:00 am. Read: NOT HEALTHY.
2.I have a 10.ish page paper due on Thursday morning at 7 am. I currently have 4 words written for it.
3. My cuisine for the day consisted of:
-approximately 70 oz. of Coke Classic
-6.5 oz White Cheddar Cheese Nips
-some breakfast thing that I can't remember right now, but was probably not healthy
-Half a loaf of $.95 loaf of bread. Might have been stale even though I bought it today.
**someone please remind me why I'm here and what I'm doing with my life!? PLEASE!?!?!**